A short personality about the persons behind this hobby and website:

Frans and my person have meet each other in 2003!
At that time I was looking for a tape recorder for my collection and I thought "maybe I can buy it by Frans". The tape recorder is already in my collection, only not from the collection of Frans...

But the friendship still exists, and after a short time we reach an agreement to build a website to show our collection.

Foto Frans

Frans Dobbelaar, born on 25 Octobre 1944, is the owner of the most items of this website.

The absolute begin of this nice hobby was for Frans an old grammophone player who was drived by the dynamo of a bike. When Frans was 15 years old, he buy his first tape recorder, a Philips EL 3547 A.

Frans is a member of the N.V.H.R. (Dutch Association of the History of Radio).

The hobby of collecting is a part of Frans' life. At this moment he try to hold himself back for a little when he look at his age and space, he is continiously looking for interesting items. Especially he's much interested in tape recorders of the years 1950 - 1960. 

Peter Lankhaar, born on 27 March 1985, is also a very fanatic collector of analogue audio devices. By Peter this contains all devices who shines! 

What at first started with the purchase of some taperecorers, because "they are really nice to have!" is at this moment (Especially since he did meet Frans) grown to an really very big collection of tape recorders, cassette decks, 8-track players, amplifiers, receivers, and so on. 

Peter is contaminated by the collection of his grandfather (a friend of Frans) who give him his first tape recorder on his fifth birthday. It was an Aristona 9137.

Further Peter is the designer and manager of soundtapewereld.nl

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to contact Frans!

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to contact Peter!